Making a Sitecore Field Sortable

Sortable fields can be used with the Coveo Hive Field Sort component (see Coveo Hive Renderings List - Coveo Field Sort).

By default, any Sitecore field of type date, long, or double is automatically set as sortable in the Coveo index.

To set a Coveo for Sitecore field of any other type, such as a string, as sortable, you need to edit the Coveo Search Provider configuration.

  1. Open the Coveo.SearchProvider.Custom.config file with a text editor.
  2. In the fieldMap/fieldNames element, add a new element like the following (you must replace mysitecorefield with the actual name of the Sitecore field):

    <fieldType fieldName="mysitecorefield" isSortable="true" settingType="Coveo.Framework.Configuration.FieldConfiguration, Coveo.Framework" />

    The fieldMap/fieldNames element is located in the defaultIndexConfiguration element. Field settings defined in the defaultIndexConfiguration element are applied to all indexes that reference the defaultIndexConfiguration element. To apply field configurations on a specific index, see Managing Fields for a Specific Index.

  3. To synchronize these field settings changes into your search indexes, an indexing action must be performed. Alternatively, the /coveo/api/index/v1/indexes/synchronize API POST call can be used (see Synchronize Coveo for Sitecore Configuration).